Health Skilled is a training provider focusing on health promotion and disease prevention. We provide evidence-based knowledge and practical training to equip people with skills to improve their own personal health to their clients or to the people in their care with Nutrition and Yoga.
Frimley, Camberley in Surrey, and Farnborough, Fleet in Hampshire, UK


Christmas Dinner
Thursday 28th November 24
Like every year, This year we successfully reserved 35 seats on Thursday 28th November 2024. 6.30-8.30pm. The fee of 5 course dinner this year is £32 before tip (menu will be advised later). We assume that we will need to confirm our booking in advance with full payment by 15th October 2024. If you already RSVP and wish to confirm your seat please transfer money to Ace with ref: Christmas Dinner 24. If you have not yet RSVP, you can do it so here.
Gratitude Event 2024
Saturday 21st December
It is my birthday, and what better way to celebrate than sending gratitude to all my friends who support me on my journey. Yoga is one of the best things that has happened to me and I would love to share it with everyone. Saturday 21st December 10.00-16.30 at the Parsonage Farm School GU14 9TT, with the help of my friends we are holding a Gratitude Day 2024. Morning: Ace’s chair yoga, Stephanie (Yoga Teacher Trainee) and one of her test assignments. Lunch break with Trevor’s Science of Yoga and Nutrition talks. There will be some bites. Afternoon: Morya (Yoga Teacher Trainee) and perhaps her final test. Eve’s Yoga for Anxiety and Sam’s Singing Bowls. All available to book in advance in our Booking system. There will be no entrance fee but we are open for donations for charity. All the money received from this Gratitude Event will be donated to the Mustard Seed Autism Trust CIO. The Mustard Seed Autism Trust CIO supports Junior aged children, their families and siblings. Any money raised goes towards resources and therapies etc to help them cope at school or home or both. They operate from Odiham Cottage Hospital. They do not receive any funding everything they have they have to bid for. Special thanks to friends from the Parsonage Farm School for the venue, Eve Wood for a class of Yoga for Anxiety, Sam Hamilton of Lotus Moon Energy for a Singing Bowls session, and Dr Trevor George from Health Skilled for a talk on the Science of Yoga and Nutrition. https://www.peoplesfundraising.com/fundraising/ace-s-gratitude-day-2024 www.mustardseedautism.co.uk